Ranter, raver, writer, wronger, upside-downer, stirrer-upper, & topsy-turvyist…
Kevin Kunundrum is an award winning novelist, playwright, visual artist, screenwriter, one-time jazz guitarist, backwoods house-builder, old sports car enthusiast, and avid mixologist. His first novel, the literary satire THE SERIAL KILLER’S DIET BOOK, was acclaimed for about five minutes when it came out in the Fall of 2001, because, for some reason, “other events” doomed it from the start. His very first book-signing was scheduled for the night of September 11th. “The Taliban ruined my career!”
After tragically losing his wife of fifteen years in 2010 to a pulmonary embolism, he wrote the memoir TALES OF INSOMNIA DESPAIR & THE PERFECT COCKTAIL as a way of coming to terms with her death and the overwhelming grief that followed.
His other literary efforts include: MUDVILLE, a novel of violence in America where “Casey at the Bat” is turned askew and seen through the sulfurous light of Hellfire; the mash-up GEORGE WASHINGTON WEREWOLF; and LIVE NUDE GIRLS, a postmodern exploration of identity, hope, inevitability, and how practically everything in life is a Schrödinger’s Cat experiment.
The political satire, FOTUS, is the first part of Kunundrum’s American President Trilogy.