Time-Tested Rules for Worry-Free Investing

Clear, reassuring, generation-spanning wisdom to investors from one of America’s best known brokers. Julius Westheimer boils down his lifetime of experience into his first book and shares with us his wisest and most sought-after investment advice for generating wealth safely and soundly.

The late Julius Westheimer was a long-time panelist on PBS’s “Wall $treet Week With Louis Rukeyser.”
“Generation of Wealth,” his only book, has been acclaimed as the essential guide for investors of all ages, incomes, and risk levels. Westy’s book presents his time-tested methods for worry-free investing simply and clearly, demystifying the process of making your money grow. “By digesting [this] book’s contents, investors not only benefit from Julius Westheimer’s wisdom and years of experience in the complex world of finance. They practically gain their own private broker,” says Dr. Carla Hayden, Director of the Enoch Pratt Free Library.

Westheimer was best-known for conservative investing advice that best fit difficult investing environments. His book does the same.

Also a great intro to investing!