Who exactly is Hillary Clinton? Because she announced her candidacy for President in April 2015, and thus could well become the first woman ever to be U.S. President, the question becomes all the more relevant … and important.
Fortunately, woman’s biographer Alma H. Bond, a Manhattan psychoanalyst for 37 years, has read just about everything ever published about the former First Lady, U.S. Senator, and Secretary of State, and has written a fascinating, highly readable, and intimate book burning through a great many myths about HRC.
• What were her parents like, and what lasting effects did they have on her? • How did her upbringing make her the person she became? • How does she deal with her womanizing husband, and why will she never divorce him? • What role does religion play in her life . . . and in her approach to policy? • As a public official, what are her strengths and weaknesses? • When she served as First Lady, what was she truly trying to accomplish . . . and did she succeed? • As a U.S. senator, why was she so effective in working with members of the opposite party? • As Secretary of State, how well did she get along with President Barack Obama? • In what ways, if any, was her tenure as Secretary of State different from that of all her predecessors? • To what extent is she a hawk when it comes to foreign policy? • Was she truly at fault in the tragedy known as Benghazi? • In her mind, how crucial is it to advance the cause of women around the world?
These . . . and many other questions are answered clearly in Dr. Bond’s highly readable and remarkably intimate look at one of the most celebrated, admired, and despised women in the world.
More important, after readers turn the final page, they’ll know Hillary better than they know practically anyone else.