Sandi Kahn Shelton

Sandi Kahn Shelton was born and raised in Jacksonville, Florida. At the age of five, Shelton began her literary career by selling her first story, “The King Who Slept for Three Hours and 45 Seconds,” to a neighbor for 20 cents after her mother wouldn’t give her money for the ice cream truck. In the mid-60s, when she was 12, the family moved to southern California where Sandi discovered three things: she did not possess the tanning gene, she looked ridiculous in white lipstick, and she could not say the word ‘groovy’ without laughing out loud.

Still, she managed to attend the University of California at Santa Barbara. After her first child was born, she and her family moved to New Haven, Connecticut, where she received a degree in English and Journalism from Southern Connecticut State College and began working as editor of a weekly newspaper.

Now the mother of three children, she has been writing her weekly humor column for the New Haven Register since 1987 and writing the “Wit’s End” column for Working Mother magazine since 1989. She has won numerous journalism awards, including the New England Associated Press’s award for Best Local Column in 1993.

She is married to Register reporter Jim Shelton.
