The Lone Star Speaks

Sara Peterson and K.W. Zachry

Both authors became interested in President Kennedy’s assassination at a young age. Zachry’s grandparents lived in Dallas in 1963, and saved newspapers from that era. Her grandfather was connected to the Dallas oil industry. Peterson became interested in the assassination in 1978 when she participated in the Presidential Classroom for Young Americans program in Washington, D. C. The two have collected books and artifacts concerning the assassination for years.

Both are currently employed by Midland College. The Lone Star Speaks began with a presentation the authors made to the West Texas Historical Symposium in 2014. The presentation soon expanded into a four-year research project that resulted in the authors finding and interviewing more than 150 individuals.

Among the most intriguing is Robert T. Davis, who was the Assistant Attorney General in Texas in 1963. As an attorney who was sent to help interview Warren Commission witnesses, Davis immediately sensed that the official investigation was a “whitewash.” Davis was one of the first to suggest that the investigation should include Jack Ruby’s contacts with Mafia members.

Other witnesses whom the authors located include a Lyndon Johnson staff member who was directed by the new President to serve as his eyes and ears in Dallas after the assassination. She personally reported Oswald’s death immediately to President Johnson on November 24, 1963.