Alma H. Bond, Ph.D.

Born in February 1923 and still going strong, Dr. Alma H. Bond is the author or co-author of more than two dozen published books, among them: Jackie O: On the CouchLady Macbeth: On the CouchMarilyn Monroe: On the Couch;Hillary Clinton: On the CouchBarbra Streisand: On the CouchMichelle Obama: A BiographyThe Autobiography of Maria Callas: A NovelMargaret Mahler: A Biography of the PsychoanalystCamille Claude: A NovelAmerica’s First Woman Warrior: The Story of Deborah Sampson; and Who Killed Virginia Woolf? A Psychobiography.

Dr. Bond received her Ph.D. in Developmental Psychology from Columbia University, graduated from the post-doctoral program in psychoanalysis at the Freudian Society, and was a psychoanalyst in private practice for 37 years in New York City. Following an accident-induced coma from which she was not expected to recover, she “retired” to become a full-time writer.

Dr. Bond is a member of the American Society of Journalists and Authors, the Dramatists Guild, and the Authors Guild, as well as a fellow and faculty member of the Institute for Psychoanalytic Training and Research, the International Psychoanalytic Association, and the American Psychological Association. She was one of the first non-medical analysts to be elected to the International Psychoanalytic Association. Dr. Bond grew up in Philadelphia, where she obtained her undergraduate degree in psychology from Temple University, and following voluntary military service, moved to New York, where she earned a graduated with a degree in psychology from Columbia University.

A longtime resident of New York City, she lived for nearly a dozen years in south Florida, and five years in Carlisle, Pennsylvania. She now lives in Allentown, PA.
